1884 | Flatland | Edwin A. Abbott |
1895 | The Time Machine | H. G. Wells |
1896 | The Island of Dr. Moreau | H. G. Wells |
1902 | The Hound of the Baskervilles | Arthur Conan Doyle |
1932 | Brave New World | Aldous Huxley |
1935 | In Caverns Below | Stanton A. Coblentz |
1937 | The Hobbit, or There and Back Again | J. R. R. Tolkien |
1942 | Masters of Time | A. E. van Vogt |
1945 | Animal Farm | George Orwell |
1946 | Slan | A. E. van Vogt |
1947 | The Book of Ptath | A. E. van Vogt |
1948 | Beyond This Horizon | Robert A. Heinlein |
1949 | 1984 | George Orwell |
1949 | Red Planet | Robert A. Heinlein |
1949 | Sixth Column | Robert A. Heinlein |
1950 | The House that Stood Still | A. E. van Vogt |
1950 | The Voyage of the Space Beagle | A. E. van Vogt |
1950 | Cosmic Engineers | Clifford D. Simak |
1950 | The Five Gold Bands | Jack Vance |
1950 | Farmer in the Sky | Robert A. Heinlein |
1950 | The Man Who Sold the Moon | Robert A. Heinlein |
1950 | Waldo & Magic, Inc. | Robert A. Heinlein |
1951 | Foundation | Isaac Asimov |
1951 | The Green Hills of Earth | Robert A. Heinlein |
1951 | The Puppet Masters | Robert A. Heinlein |
1952 | The Mixed Men | A. E. van Vogt |
1952 | City | Clifford D. Simak |
1952 | Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov |
1952 | Player Piano | Kurt Vonnegut |
1952 | Vault of the Ages | Poul Anderson |
1952 | The Rolling Stones | Robert A. Heinlein |
1953 | The Universe Maker | A. E. van Vogt |
1953 | Childhood's End | Arthur C. Clarke |
1953 | The Space Merchants | Frederik Pohl |
1953 | Second Foundation | Isaac Asimov |
1953 | Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury |
1953 | Assignment in Eternity | Robert A. Heinlein |
1953 | Revolt in 2100 | Robert A. Heinlein |
1953 | Starman Jones | Robert A. Heinlein |
1954 | Search the Sky | Frederik Pohl |
1954 | The Star Beast | Robert A. Heinlein |
1954 | Untouched by Human Hands | Robert Sheckley |
1955 | Earthlight | Arthur C. Clarke |
1955 | Not This August | C. M. Kornbluth |
1955 | Tunnel in the Sky | Robert A. Heinlein |
1955 | Citizen in Space | Robert Sheckley |
1956 | Alternating Currents | Frederik Pohl |
1956 | The Man Who Japed | Philip K. Dick |
1956 | The World Jones Made | Philip K. Dick |
1956 | Double Star | Robert A. Heinlein |
1956 | Time for the Stars | Robert A. Heinlein |
1957 | Empire of the Atom | A. E. van Vogt |
1957 | The Black Cloud | Fred Hoyle |
1957 | The Case Against Tomorrow | Frederik Pohl |
1957 | The Naked Sun | Isaac Asimov |
1957 | The Green Odyssey | Philip José Farmer |
1957 | Citizen of the Galaxy | Robert A. Heinlein |
1957 | The Door into Summer | Robert A. Heinlein |
1957 | Pilgrimage to Earth | Robert Sheckley |
1958 | Starburst | Alfred Bester |
1958 | The Deadly Streets | Harlan Ellison |
1958 | The Languages of Pao | Jack Vance |
1958 | Have Space Suit - Will Travel | Robert A. Heinlein |
1958 | Methuselah's Children | Robert A. Heinlein |
1958 | The Survivors | Tom Godwin |
1959 | Tomorrow Times Seven | Frederik Pohl |
1959 | The Sirens of Titan | Kurt Vonnegut |
1959 | Time Out of Joint | Philip K. Dick |
1959 | Starship Troopers | Robert A. Heinlein |
1959 | The Menace from Earth | Robert A. Heinlein |
1959 | The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag | Robert A. Heinlein |
1959 | Immortality, Inc. | Robert Sheckley |
1960 | The Man Who Ate the World | Frederik Pohl |
1960 | A Woman a Day | Philip José Farmer |
1960 | Flesh | Philip José Farmer |
1960 | Dr. Futurity | Philip K. Dick |
1960 | Vulcan's Hammer | Philip K. Dick |
1960 | Notions: Unlimited | Robert Sheckley |
1960 | Store of Infinity | Robert Sheckley |
1960 | The Status Civilization | Robert Sheckley |
1961 | Dark Universe | Daniel F. Galouye |
1961 | Gentleman Junkie and Other Stories of the Hung-Up Generation | Harlan Ellison |
1961 | The Lovers | Philip José Farmer |
1961 | Stranger in a Strange Land | Robert A. Heinlein |
1961 | Nightmares | Robert Bloch |
1962 | The Violent Man | A. E. van Vogt |
1962 | The Wizard of Linn | A. E. van Vogt |
1962 | They Walked Like Men | Clifford D. Simak |
1962 | The Perfect Planet | Evelyn E. Smith |
1962 | Ellison Wonderland | Harlan Ellison |
1962 | Joyleg | Ward Moore |
1962 | Mother Night | Kurt Vonnegut |
1962 | A Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle |
1962 | Fire and the Night | Philip José Farmer |
1962 | The Man in the High Castle | Philip K. Dick |
1962 | More Nightmares | Robert Bloch |
1962 | Journey Beyond Tomorrow | Robert Sheckley |
1962 | Shards of Space | Robert Sheckley |
1963 | Way Station | Clifford D. Simak |
1963 | Cat's Cradle | Kurt Vonnegut |
1963 | The Game-Players of Titan | Philip K. Dick |
1963 | Glory Road | Robert A. Heinlein |
1963 | Orphans of the Sky | Robert A. Heinlein |
1963 | Podkayne of Mars | Robert A. Heinlein |
1964 | The Dark Side of the Earth | Alfred Bester |
1964 | Davy | Edgar Pangborn |
1964 | Space by the Tale | Jerome Bixby |
1964 | The Great Time Machine Hoax | Keith Laumer |
1964 | The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander |
1964 | Inside Outside | Philip José Farmer |
1964 | Farnham's Freehold | Robert A. Heinlein |
1964 | One of Our Asteroids is Missing | Robert Silverberg |
1965 | Dune | Frank Herbert |
1965 | The Squares of the City | John Brunner |
1965 | A Plague of Demons | Keith Laumer |
1965 | The Black Cauldron | Lloyd Alexander |
1965 | Dare | Philip José Farmer |
1965 | The Maker of Universes | Philip José Farmer |
1965 | The 10th Victim | Robert Sheckley |
1965 | The Anything Box | Zenna Henderson |
1966 | A Scourge of Screamers | Daniel F. Galouye |
1966 | October the First is Too Late | Fred Hoyle |
1966 | World of Ptavvs | Larry Niven |
1966 | The Castle of Llyr | Lloyd Alexander |
1966 | The Gates of Creation | Philip José Farmer |
1966 | Now Wait for Last Year | Philip K. Dick |
1967 | The Werewolf Principle | Clifford D. Simak |
1967 | Why Call Them Back From Heaven? | Clifford D. Simak |
1967 | I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream | Harlan Ellison |
1967 | Nine By Laumer | Keith Laumer |
1967 | Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander |
1967 | Counter-Clock World | Philip K. Dick |
1967 | Breakthrough | Richard Cowper |
1967 | Living Way Out | Wyman Guin |
1968 | Dragonflight | Anne McCaffrey |
1968 | 2001: A Space Odyssey | Arthur C. Clarke |
1968 | The Goblin Reservation | Clifford D. Simak |
1968 | Bedlam Planet | John Brunner |
1968 | Neutron Star | Larry Niven |
1968 | The High King | Lloyd Alexander |
1968 | A Private Cosmos | Philip José Farmer |
1968 | Image of the Beast | Philip José Farmer |
1968 | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | Philip K. Dick |
1968 | Past Master | R. A. Lafferty |
1968 | Space Chantey | R. A. Lafferty |
1968 | The Reefs of Earth | R. A. Lafferty |
1968 | Dimension of Miracles | Robert Sheckley |
1968 | The People Trap | Robert Sheckley |
1968 | Of Men and Monsters | William Tenn |
1969 | The Empty People | Barry N. Malzberg |
1969 | The Palace | D. G. Compton |
1969 | A Feast Unknown | Philip José Farmer |
1969 | Blown | Philip José Farmer |
1969 | Ubik | Philip K. Dick |
1969 | Fourth Mansions | R. A. Lafferty |
1969 | The Parasaurians | Robert Wells |
1969 | Damnation Alley | Roger Zelazny |
1969 | The Standing Joy | Wyman Guin |
1970 | Evil is Live Spelled Backwards | Andrew J. Offutt |
1970 | Out of Their Minds | Clifford D. Simak |
1970 | Ole Doc Methuselah | L. Ron Hubbard |
1970 | Ringworld | Larry Niven |
1970 | Starbreed | Martha DeMey Clow |
1970 | Behind the Walls of Terra | Philip José Farmer |
1970 | Lord of the Trees | Philip José Farmer |
1970 | Our Friends From Frolix 8 | Philip K. Dick |
1970 | Nine Hundred Grandmothers | R. A. Lafferty |
1971 | Dragonquest | Anne McCaffrey |
1971 | The Eclipse of Dawn | Gordon Eklund |
1971 | Sleepwalker's World | Gordon R. Dickson |
1971 | The Fabulous Riverboat | Philip José Farmer |
1971 | To Your Scattered Bodies Go | Philip José Farmer |
1971 | Arrive at Easterwine: The Autobiography of a Ktistec Machine | R. A. Lafferty |
1971 | The Same to You Doubled | Robert Sheckley |
1971 | Candle in the Sun | Robert Wells |
1971 | The Exorcist | William Peter Blatty |
1972 | The Rim of the Unknown | Frank Belknap Long |
1972 | What Entropy Means to Me | George Alec Effinger |
1972 | A Trace of Dreams | Gordon Eklund |
1972 | The Terminal Man | Michael Crichton |
1972 | Mirror Image | Michael G. Coney |
1972 | Time's Last Gift | Philip José Farmer |
1972 | We Can Build You | Philip K. Dick |
1972 | Strange Doings | R. A. Lafferty |
1972 | First Person, Peculiar | T. L. Sherred |
1973 | Rendezvous With Rama | Arthur C. Clarke |
1973 | Mister Justice | Doris Piserchia |
1973 | Cage a Man | F. M. Busby |
1973 | Ten Thousand Light-Years from Home | James Tiptree, Jr. |
1973 | Friends Come in Boxes | Michael G. Coney |
1973 | Syzygy | Michael G. Coney |
1973 | The Hero of Downways | Michael G. Coney |
1973 | Traitor to the Living | Philip José Farmer |
1973 | Time Enough for Love | Robert A. Heinlein |
1973 | Inheritance | Robert Wells |
1973 | Right-Handed Wilderness | Robert Wells |
1974 | Star Rider | Doris Piserchia |
1974 | Mixed Feelings | George Alec Effinger |
1974 | Before the Golden Age, Book 1 | Isaac Asimov (Ed.) |
1974 | The Mote in God's Eye | Larry Niven |
1974 | Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said | Philip K. Dick |
1975 | Imperial Earth | Arthur C. Clarke |
1975 | Orbitsville | Bob Shaw |
1975 | Norstrilia | Cordwainer Smith |
1975 | The Proud Enemy | F. M. Busby |
1975 | Warm Worlds and Otherwise | James Tiptree, Jr. |
1975 | The Forever War | Joe Haldeman |
1975 | Lovecraft: A Biography (Nonfiction) | L. Sprague de Camp |
1975 | Hello Summer, Goodbye | Michael G. Coney |
1975 | Blake's Progress | Ray Faraday Nelson |
1975 | The Spacejacks | Robert Wells |
1976 | Dragonsong | Anne McCaffrey |
1976 | Science Fiction Discoveries | Carol & Frederik Pohl (Ed.) |
1976 | Walkers on the Sky | David J. Lake |
1976 | A Billion Days of Earth | Doris Piserchia |
1976 | Rissa Kerguelen | F. M. Busby |
1976 | The Long View | F. M. Busby |
1976 | Patternmaster | Octavia E. Butler |
1976 | Not to Mention Camels | R. A. Lafferty |
1976 | The Shores of Kansas | Robert Chilson |
1977 | Dragonsinger | Anne McCaffrey |
1977 | The Right Hand of Dextra | David J. Lake |
1977 | Earthchild | Doris Piserchia |
1977 | The Monadic Universe | George Zebrowski |
1977 | Mind of My Mind | Octavia E. Butler |
1977 | The Dark Design | Philip José Farmer |
1977 | The Lavalite World | Philip José Farmer |
1977 | A Scanner Darkly | Philip K. Dick |
1977 | The Shining | Stephen King |
1978 | Splinter of the Mind's Eye | Alan Dean Foster |
1978 | The White Dragon | Anne McCaffrey |
1978 | Mastodonia | Clifford D. Simak |
1978 | Spaceling | Doris Piserchia |
1978 | All These Earths | F. M. Busby |
1978 | The Way the Future Was: A Memoir (Nonfiction) | Frederik Pohl |
1978 | 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories | Isaac Asimov (Ed.) |
1978 | Strange Eons | Robert Bloch |
1978 | Survivor | Octavia E. Butler |
1978 | The Revolt of the Unemployables | Ray Faraday Nelson |
1978 | Night Shift | Stephen King |
1979 | Dragondrums | Anne McCaffrey |
1979 | Jem | Frederik Pohl |
1979 | Macrolife | George Zebrowski |
1979 | The Ringworld Engineers | Larry Niven |
1979 | Kindred | Octavia E. Butler |
1979 | Dark is the Sun | Philip José Farmer |
1979 | Jesus on Mars | Philip José Farmer |
1980 | Manifest Destiny | Barry B. Longyear |
1980 | The Visitors | Clifford D. Simak |
1980 | The Funhouse | Dean Koontz |
1980 | The Fluger | Doris Piserchia |
1980 | The Spinner | Doris Piserchia |
1980 | End of the Line | F. M. Busby |
1980 | Zelde M'Tana | F. M. Busby |
1980 | Shatterday | Harlan Ellison |
1980 | Wild Seed | Octavia E. Butler |
1980 | The Magic Labyrinth | Philip José Farmer |
1980 | Split Infinity | Piers Anthony |
1980 | Expanded Universe | Robert A. Heinlein |
1980 | The Number of the Beast | Robert A. Heinlein |
1980 | Dragon's Egg | Robert L. Forward |
1980 | White Light | Rudy Rucker |
1981 | Doomtime | Doris Piserchia |
1981 | Earth in Twilight | Doris Piserchia |
1981 | The Unreasoning Mask | Philip José Farmer |
1981 | The Divine Invasion | Philip K. Dick |
1981 | VALIS | Philip K. Dick |
1981 | Blue Adept | Piers Anthony |
1981 | Spacetime Donuts | Rudy Rucker |
1982 | 2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke |
1982 | Special Deliverance | Clifford D. Simak |
1982 | The House of Thunder | Dean Koontz |
1982 | Foundation's Edge | Isaac Asimov |
1982 | Juxtaposition | Piers Anthony |
1982 | Software | Rudy Rucker |
1982 | The Gunslinger | Stephen King |
1982 | The Running Man | Stephen King |
1983 | The Tomorrow Testament | Barry B. Longyear |
1983 | Orbitsville Departure | Bob Shaw |
1983 | Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon | L. Neil Smith |
1983 | Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu | L. Neil Smith |
1983 | Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka | L. Neil Smith |
1983 | Gods of Riverworld | Philip José Farmer |
1983 | Through Elegant Eyes | R. A. Lafferty |
1983 | The Sex Sphere | Rudy Rucker |
1983 | Pet Sematary | Stephen King |
1984 | Star Rebel | F. M. Busby |
1984 | The Alien Debt | F. M. Busby |
1984 | The Merchants' War | Frederik Pohl |
1984 | Scapescope | John E. Stith |
1984 | Dr. Adder | K. W. Jeter |
1984 | Clay's Ark | Octavia E. Butler |
1984 | The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike | Philip K. Dick |
1984 | Job: A Comedy of Justice | Robert A. Heinlein |
1984 | Master of Space and Time | Rudy Rucker |
1984 | Thinner | Stephen King |
1984 | The Peace War | Vernor Vinge |
1984 | Things Beyond Midnight | William F. Nolan |
1984 | Neuromancer | William Gibson |
1985 | The Remaking of Sigmund Freud | Barry N. Malzberg |
1985 | Rebel's Quest | F. M. Busby |
1985 | Eon | Greg Bear |
1985 | The Glass Hammer | K. W. Jeter |
1985 | Ender's Game | Orson Scott Card |
1985 | Dayworld | Philip José Farmer |
1985 | Puttering About in a Small Land | Philip K. Dick |
1985 | The Cat Who Walks Through Walls | Robert A. Heinlein |
1985 | Starquake | Robert L. Forward |
1985 | The Secret of Life | Rudy Rucker |
1985 | Spinneret | Timothy Zahn |
1986 | Aliens | Alan Dean Foster |
1986 | Rebels' Seed | F. M. Busby |
1986 | Speaker for the Dead | Orson Scott Card |
1986 | Radio Free Albemuth | Philip K. Dick |
1986 | IT | Stephen King |
1986 | Marooned in Realtime | Vernor Vinge |
1987 | Watchers | Dean Koontz |
1987 | Araminta Station | Jack Vance |
1987 | Sphere | Michael Crichton |
1987 | Dayworld Rebel | Philip José Farmer |
1987 | To Sail Beyond the Sunset | Robert A. Heinlein |
1987 | The Drawing of the Three | Stephen King |
1987 | The Architects of Hyperspace | Thomas R. McDonough |
1988 | 2061: Odyssey Three | Arthur C. Clarke |
1988 | Cradle | Arthur C. Clarke |
1988 | Eternity | Greg Bear |
1988 | Wetware | Rudy Rucker |
1989 | Rama II | Arthur C. Clarke |
1989 | Nemesis | Isaac Asimov |
1990 | Orbitsville Judgement | Bob Shaw |
1990 | Earth | David Brin |
1990 | The Bad Place | Dean Koontz |
1990 | Outnumbering the Dead | Frederik Pohl |
1990 | Jurassic Park | Michael Crichton |
1990 | The Ring of Charon | Roger MacBride Allen |
1990 | Four Past Midnight | Stephen King |
1990 | The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition | Stephen King |
1991 | The Garden of Rama | Arthur C. Clarke |
1991 | Cold Fire | Dean Koontz |
1991 | Ecce and Old Earth | Jack Vance |
1991 | Xenocide | Orson Scott Card |
1991 | Beast | Peter Benchley |
1991 | Red Orc's Rage | Philip José Farmer |
1991 | Needful Things | Stephen King |
1991 | The Waste Lands | Stephen King |
1991 | Heir to the Empire | Timothy Zahn |
1992 | Hideaway | Dean Koontz |
1992 | Quarantine | Greg Egan |
1992 | Throy | Jack Vance |
1992 | Timemaster | Robert L. Forward |
1992 | Dark Force Rising | Timothy Zahn |
1992 | A Fire Upon the Deep | Vernor Vinge |
1993 | Rama Revealed | Arthur C. Clarke |
1993 | The Hammer of God | Arthur C. Clarke |
1993 | The Rediscovery of Man | Cordwainer Smith |
1993 | Manhattan Transfer | John E. Stith |
1993 | More Than Fire | Philip José Farmer |
1993 | Camelot 30K | Robert L. Forward |
1993 | The Last Command | Timothy Zahn |
1994 | The Courtship of Princess Leia | Dave Wolverton |
1994 | Permutation City | Greg Egan |
1994 | Reunion on Neverend | John E. Stith |
1994 | The Truce at Bakura | Kathy Tyers |
1994 | Champions of the Force | Kevin J. Anderson |
1994 | Dark Apprentice | Kevin J. Anderson |
1994 | Jedi Search | Kevin J. Anderson |
1994 | The Gripping Hand | Larry Niven |
1994 | Gather Yourselves Together | Philip K. Dick |
1994 | The Shattered Sphere | Roger MacBride Allen |
1994 | The Crystal Star | Vonda McIntyre |
1995 | Children of the Jedi | Barbara Hambly |
1995 | Bright Messengers | Gentry Lee |
1995 | Distress | Greg Egan |
1995 | Darksaber | Kevin J. Anderson |
1995 | Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina | Kevin J. Anderson (Ed.) |
1995 | The Lost World | Michael Crichton |
1995 | Ambush at Corellia | Roger MacBride Allen |
1995 | Assault at Selonia | Roger MacBride Allen |
1995 | Showdown at Centerpoint | Roger MacBride Allen |
1995 | Rose Madder | Stephen King |
1995 | Microcosmic God | Theodore Sturgeon |
1995 | The Ultimate Egoist | Theodore Sturgeon |
1996 | The Other End of Time | Frederik Pohl |
1996 | Tales from Jabba's Palace | Kevin J. Anderson (Ed.) |
1996 | Tales of the Bounty Hunters | Kevin J. Anderson (Ed.) |
1996 | The New Rebellion | Kristine Kathryn Rusch |
1996 | Rogue Squadron | Michael A. Stackpole |
1996 | The Krytos Trap | Michael A. Stackpole |
1996 | Wedge's Gamble | Michael A. Stackpole |
1996 | Before the Storm | Michael P. Kube-McDowell |
1996 | Shield of Lies | Michael P. Kube-McDowell |
1996 | Children of the Mind | Orson Scott Card |
1996 | Virtual Zen | Ray Faraday Nelson |
1996 | The Green Mile | Stephen King |
1996 | Shadows of the Empire | Steve Perry |
1996 | Killdozer! | Theodore Sturgeon |
1997 | The Hutt Gambit | A. C. Crispin |
1997 | The Paradise Snare | A. C. Crispin |
1997 | 3001: The Final Odyssey | Arthur C. Clarke |
1997 | Planet of Twilight | Barbara Hambly |
1997 | Fear Nothing | Dean Koontz |
1997 | The Siege of Eternity | Frederik Pohl |
1997 | Diaspora | Greg Egan |
1997 | Slippage | Harlan Ellison |
1997 | Reckoning Infinity | John E. Stith |
1997 | The Bacta War | Michael A. Stackpole |
1997 | Tyrant's Test | Michael P. Kube-McDowell |
1997 | Tales from the Empire | Peter Schweighofer (Ed.) |
1997 | Saturn Rukh | Robert L. Forward |
1997 | Freeware | Rudy Rucker |
1997 | Wizard and Glass | Stephen King |
1997 | Event Horizon | Steven E. McDonald |
1997 | Specter of the Past | Timothy Zahn |
1998 | Rebel Dawn | A. C. Crispin |
1998 | Iron Fist | Aaron Allston |
1998 | Wraith Squadron | Aaron Allston |
1998 | Seize the Night | Dean Koontz |
1998 | Dark City | Frank Lauria |
1998 | Dinosaur Summer | Greg Bear |
1998 | Slave Ship | K. W. Jeter |
1998 | The Mandalorian Armor | K. W. Jeter |
1998 | Lethal Exposure | Kevin J. Anderson |
1998 | I, Jedi | Michael A. Stackpole |
1998 | Spider Legs | Piers Anthony |
1998 | Vision of the Future | Timothy Zahn |
1999 | Solo Command | Aaron Allston |
1999 | Starfighters of Adumar | Aaron Allston |
1999 | The Far Shore of Time | Frederik Pohl |
1999 | Double Full Moon Light | Gentry Lee |
1999 | Teranesia | Greg Egan |
1999 | Finity | John Barnes |
1999 | Hard Merchandise | K. W. Jeter |
1999 | Isard's Revenge | Michael A. Stackpole |
1999 | Ender's Shadow | Orson Scott Card |
1999 | Tales from the New Republic | Peter Schweighofer (Ed.) |
1999 | Vector Prime | R. A. Salvatore |
1999 | The Icarus Hunt | Timothy Zahn |
2000 | The Light of Other Days | Arthur C. Clarke |
2000 | Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial | James Luceno |
2000 | Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse | James Luceno |
2000 | Balance Point | Kathy Tyers |
2000 | Dark Tide I: Onslaught | Michael A. Stackpole |
2000 | Dark Tide II: Ruin | Michael A. Stackpole |
2000 | The Depths of Time | Roger MacBride Allen |
2000 | Realware | Rudy Rucker |
2000 | The Collapsium | Wil McCarthy |
2001 | Edge of Victory I: Conquest | Greg Keyes |
2001 | Edge of Victory II: Rebirth | Greg Keyes |
2001 | Shadow Hunter | Michael Reaves |
2001 | Shadow of the Hegemon | Orson Scott Card |
2001 | Ship of Fools | Richard Paul Russo |
2001 | Angelmass | Timothy Zahn |
2001 | Star by Star | Troy Denning |
2001 | Here Comes Civilization | William Tenn |
2001 | Immodest Proposals | William Tenn |
2002 | Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream | Aaron Allston |
2002 | Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand | Aaron Allston |
2002 | Dark Journey | Elaine Cunningham |
2002 | Schild's Ladder | Greg Egan |
2002 | Traitor | Matthew Stover |
2002 | Prey | Michael Crichton |
2002 | Shadow Puppets | Orson Scott Card |
2002 | The Ocean of Years | Roger MacBride Allen |
2002 | Stories of Your Life and Others | Ted Chiang |
2002 | Manta's Gift | Timothy Zahn |
2002 | Destiny's Way | Walter Jon Williams |
2003 | The Final Prophecy | Greg Keyes |
2003 | The Unifying Force | James Luceno |
2003 | Star Dragon | Mike Brotherton |
2003 | The Shores of Tomorrow | Roger MacBride Allen |
2003 | Force Heretic I: Remnant | Sean Williams |
2003 | Force Heretic II: Refugee | Sean Williams |
2003 | Force Heretic III: Reunion | Sean Williams |
2003 | The Cold Equations and Other Stories | Tom Godwin |
2003 | Tatooine Ghost | Troy Denning |
2003 | The Wellstone | Wil McCarthy |
2004 | Lies, Inc. | Philip K. Dick |
2004 | Survivor's Quest | Timothy Zahn |
2004 | The Green and the Gray | Timothy Zahn |
2004 | Lost in Transmission | Wil McCarthy |
2005 | Counting Heads | David Marusek |
2005 | Bloodchild and Other Stories, Second Edition | Octavia E. Butler |
2005 | Fledgling | Octavia E. Butler |
2005 | The Joiner King | Troy Denning |
2005 | To Crush the Moon | Wil McCarthy |
2006 | The Draco Tavern | Larry Niven |
2006 | To Be Continued | Robert Silverberg |
2006 | Mathematicians in Love | Rudy Rucker |
2006 | Cell | Stephen King |
2006 | Rainbows End | Vernor Vinge |
2007 | Ghosts of Yesterday | Alan Dean Foster |
2007 | Up from the Bottomless Pit | Philip José Farmer |
2007 | Voices From the Street | Philip K. Dick |
2007 | To The Dark Star | Robert Silverberg |
2007 | Postsingular | Rudy Rucker |
2008 | Dark Integers and Other Stories | Greg Egan |
2008 | Incandescence | Greg Egan |
2008 | Pump Six and Other Stories | Paolo Bacigalupi |
2008 | Something Wild is Loose | Robert Silverberg |
2009 | Mind Over Ship | David Marusek |
2009 | Crystal Nights and Other Stories | Greg Egan |
2009 | The Windup Girl | Paolo Bacigalupi |
2009 | Trips | Robert Silverberg |
2009 | Hylozoic | Rudy Rucker |
2010 | Engineering Infinity | Jonathan Strahan (Ed.) |
2010 | The Lifecycle of Software Objects | Ted Chiang |
2011 | The Clockwork Rocket | Greg Egan |
2011 | The Children of the Sky | Vernor Vinge |
2012 | The Martian | Andy Weir |
2012 | The Eternal Flame | Greg Egan |
2013 | The Wandering Earth | Cixin Liu |
2013 | The Arrows of Time | Greg Egan |
2013 | Love Minus Eighty | Will McIntosh |
Welcome to my blog. You have done well to come here.
I may not seem like it, but I am a human.

- Bryan Singleton
- United States
- This blog contains some of my philosophical writings and various other things.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Listing of Science Fiction and Related Books I've Read
This is a listing of the science fiction and related books I've read since age 14. It replaces the older post I made, since this one is more organized. I typed everything in Excel this time and recorded the dates of publication. Here is a copy and paste from Excel:
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