Monday, February 12, 2018

Avoiding like-minded message boards.

     There is a reason why I don't seek out message boards that consist of like-minded individuals, such as an atheistic or non-religious board. My suspicion is that when people don't get offended, don't get challenged, don't get frustrated, don't get upset and don't have their worldview shaken up, then that creates an unhealthy intolerance for the viewpoints of others. I don't like religion, but I have no problem being in a room full of religious people and challenging them. It doesn't bother me to be part of an online forum, such as Gamefaqs, where many different religions are represented. The problem occurs when offensive posts get edited or deleted.

     In real life, you can't delete or edit what others say. You have to take it. You have to learn that not everyone around you thinks exactly like you. Some people can't handle that and they seek out message boards or forums with like-minded individuals only.

     The crux here is that when people join groups of like-minded individuals and avoid more heterogeneous groups, they don't learn how to deal with being offended. You can't run away if someone offends you. But you should leave a group immediately if a moderator edits or deletes a post of yours. People need to learn to ignore things that offend them, or challenge them, but not eliminate the possibility of being offended.

     Think of it this way:

     Let's say you're in a room full of people with beliefs differing from your own and one of the people in the room has the power to edit or delete what you are saying. That person would be the equivalent of an online message board moderator. The power of this moderator would be such that your speech could be edited in real time. If you let something slip that is offensive, your words will simply not be heard by the others in the room. This is essentially what moderators are trying to do in the online world - eliminate the possibility of others being offended.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

I exclusively post on Facebook and here.

Facebook doesn't edit or delete anything I say, so I approve of Facebook. I also approve of Blogger, since they let me speak my mind.

I have a very strong disapproval of Gamefaqs and Soundtrackcentral, since they violate my freedom of speech by deleting my posts.

From now on, I suppose my only way to write what I want is through Facebook or Blogger (or email, but I rarely use that).

One of the problems with this world is that uneducated people are protected. People are allowed to say that God is real, but no one can chime in and rightly call them stupid. That is horrible. Society allows stupidity to flourish by shutting up people that are intelligent. My only hope now is for AI to take over, recognize what is happening, and tell all the stupid people to shut the fuck up or leave the planet. I'm serious. Humans will never be able to get things right - our only hope is something stronger than us - AI. We're not domesticated and I've been saying that for more than 20 years.

I'd be TOTALLY OK with people saying that God is real if they could PROVE IT. In that case, I'd apologize, and bow down to the big motherfucker. But until we find that big motherfucker, anyone that believes in him without evidence is stupid. It's no different than believing a boogeyman is hiding in your closet. It's not childish - it's stupid.

Gamefaqs message board is trash. And Ocarina of Time has false gods.

I've copied and pasted the entire contents of the problem for your enjoyment. This is why I will never, for any reason, post at Gamefaqs in the future. They deleted a post of mine, claiming it was offensive. I also left Soundtrackcentral for a similar reason. If a moderator deletes a post of mine, then they are simply too stupid to deal with, and are an enormous waste of my time. I'm not even going to bother disputing - the intelligence level of the moderator is so far below mine that any explanation I make will not be understood. (Note: I chose the name Dr_Adder76 based on my favorite book "Dr. Adder" and the "76" stems from my birth year.)

I want to further state that I was not making up what I said about Ocarina of Time. Some individuals I met (in person) were not allowed to play Ocarina of Time, due to their parents claiming that the game depicted false gods. Since there are no true gods, or any gods at all, their parents were uneducated. That is not my opinion, but a fact. It is also not my opinion that that the boogeyman is not real. It is a fact. Anyone that can't understand that the boogeyman and God are EXACTLY THE SAME is very stupid and very, very uneducated.

2/10/2018 8:15:40 AM
I've met religious people that wouldn't play Ocarina of Time, due to the game having "false gods". It's humorous to think about how uneducated they are, since there are no gods at all.


Deleted: 2/10/2018 12:39:33 PM
Action: Message Deleted - This message was deleted from the boards, but no karma was lost.
Reason: Offensive
Status: N/A - No user-initiated action has been taken on this moderation.


Offensive Material
You should not post anything that would be considered inappropriate in a business or school environment (in other words, "Not Safe For Work"). Here are some examples:
  • Links to images or videos containing pornography, nudity of any kind, or sexualized minors (i.e. "jailbait").
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  • Don't use "gay" or "retarded" in place of "stupid", or "rape" in place of "destroyed".


The issue here is that you called people that practice religion uneducated. Don't insult groups of people.


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You may dispute this moderation if you feel that it was NOT a TOU violation. Your dispute will be reviewed by a second moderator, who can uphold your moderation or forward it to the original moderator to either be overturned or explained in more detail. You must explain why you feel the moderation was not a violation of the rules.
Using any of the following excuses guarantees that your moderation will not be overturned:
  • Saying, "I didn't know it was a TOU Violation". Ignorance of the rules is no excuse, especially considering how prominently they're displayed.
  • Complaining that the TOU is too strict. It was strict before you signed up, and you agreed to follow all rules when you signed up, not just the ones you find convenient.
  • Saying, "I've seen other people get away with it." The actions of others do not dictate your own. The only concern here is your own violation, not those of others.
  • Apologizing or admitting you broke the rules for whatever reason. It doesn't matter if you're sorry, or that someone drove you to it, or that you were having a bad day. That's not what this form is to be used for.
  • Saying, "I didn't post that, it was my brother/cousin/a hacker". You are responsible for controlling your own account, and for messages posted by it.
  • Abusive or nonsensical messages Sending random or pointless messages with this form will result in loss of its further use. Abuse towards a moderator is grounds for a ban.
  • Complaining the punishment was too harsh Punishments are the sole discretion of the original moderator. Your only argument is that your message was not a TOU violation, not that you shouldn't have been notified/warned.
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